Burnaby Association of Marine Modellers
Tug Boat Videos
Ducklings having a shower.at the BAMM pond
These ducklings decided to take advantage of my RC tug's water monitor at the BAMM pond today. These guys were very tame having just woken from a nap in the grass at my feet. Sunday June 28 2020
Gillfoam towing the Shell Welder
Lorne , towing the Shell Welder at the BAMM pond with his tug Gillfoam and a time lapse of the haul out at the end.
Dire Straits Breaking Ice at the BAMM pond.
On a lovely Sunday morning the ice was just the right thickness - about 3/16". At the Burnaby Association of Marine Modellers pond in Central Park. Many thanks to my camera operator Reggie.
Gillfoam Breaking Ice
Happy New Year!
Here is Lorne's tug Gillfoam using a barge to break the ice on the Burnaby Association of Marine Modellers pond in Central Park.
Sunday Jan 5 2014
River Rebel towing Gilley Bros. Barge
Lorne's little 12 inch tug River Rebel towing his Gilley Bros. cement barge at Burnaby today. June 19, 2011
River Rebel towing William Edward
Lorne's 12 inch tug River Rebel towing the coastal freighter William Edward at Burnaby today. June 19, 2011
Sealane through the narrows
Here's Al's tug Sealane towing his chip barges through the narrows at our season opener at the pond in Burnaby today. May 1, 2011
Gillfoam Tow Job
At the BAMM pond today. I parked the Dire Straits for a few minutes to take advantage of a slight breeze with my sailboat and next thing I knew I looked up and I had gotten towed! Lorne hooked up with his Gillfoam and off he went.
Towing at BAMM
Al's Pacific Lightning and Lorne's Gillfoam towing barges at the BAMM pond in Burnaby today. Mar. 4,2012
Wes Turnbull interviews Ron Burchett about his fantastic award winning scale rc tugg boat.
From XTenProductions RC TV show
Great turn out for a grey day down at the pond at Central park in Burnaby, B.C.
Apr 24, 2011
RC Tug Pacific Lightning
Here is Al's RC tug Pacific Lightning at the BAMM pond today. Feb 5 2012
From XTenProductions RC TV show