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Burnaby Association of Marine Modellers
Sailboat Videos
Bamm Regatta Race-2 16Aug2015
Published on Aug 17, 2015
Race took over 15 minutes to complete
I'm showing only the start, "windward mark" and finish.
It's quite obvious I had my sails sheeted in far too tight for this light air.
Sailing in Central Park ,Burnaby B.C. with B.A.M.M Club.
Dec 28, 2013
EC12 RC Sailboat Queen Willows Revenge
Sailing Salish Park, Chilliwack
the EC12 was designed for the 1964 Americas cup but was not used ,instead was turned into a rc sailboat race class ,I turned it into a dutch pirate ship along with mini Barbie crew
Dec 28, 2013
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