Burnaby Association of Marine Modellers

How to find us.
We meet every Sunday morning for sure & sometimes Wednesday mornings between 8:00 am and about 12:00 pm, weather permitting.
To get to our clubhouse go to the lower pond by the pitch and putt in Central Park off of Imperial Street in Burnaby B.C..
Though some members do come out, you may find the clubhouse is not open on a Wednesday.
Please see below for parking guidelines.
Hello all. Just a reminder for new and old members and guests too...
Some Vehicle Use Guidelines:
As you know our being in the park and having certain privileges has to do with obeying a few simple rules. One of which is not driving or parking on the grass. If you need to turn around please do it on the gravel area. You might have to back and fill a few times but it will show our cooperation with the Parks Dept. Another is not clogging up the loading and unloading area. Please keep your time there to under 15 minutes. Also even if you think you will only be stopped for just a few minutes keep a lane clear for Parks and other vehicles to move through. In other words stop as far to one side or the other as you can without going onto the grass leaving the centre empty. The area near the clubhouse is for unloading. Be aware this area also is used when we pull the Shell Welder out on her dolly. Please unload and use the big parking lot to park your vehicle.
Thanks for your cooperation - the Board.
Head on over to our Facebook page.
A word from Gord Merrill our Treasurer / Registrar about BAMM
Our club has an average of 50-60 members annually. Membership fees are $30 per calendar year. (This includes $2 million cross liability insurance and 3 bar-b-ques per year.) New members pay an additional $30 initiation fee (this includes a club cap and name pin). Visitors are encouraged to run RC boats with us anytime to see if you like the hobby and or us! You will be asked to join if you are interested enough to keep coming out with us. We have no membership attendance requirements for the pond or meetings. Our priorities are social camaraderie and RC boating fun in a safe park environment .